The Giga R1 WIFI is on the left. It is the I2C Master. It has Wifi and RTC clock configured. The Arduino Mega 2560 is a I2C slave with address 0x15.
The Giga R1 Wifi Micropython code uses different pinouts than Arduino pinouts. I started this file to standardized my code with the Arduino pinout.
username = "xxxx"
spw = "xxxx"
D52 = "PK2"
D53 = "PG7"
# I2C
D20 = "PB11"
D21 = "PH4"
The Giga R1 Wifi is internet capable. You see that the username and password are called from
import network, variables class WIFI: WIFI_NETWORK = variables.username WIFI_PASSWORD = variables.spw wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) wlan.connect(WIFI_NETWORK, WIFI_PASSWORD)
This file calibrates the first and last day of daylight savings time.
March is 2nd Sunday at 2am
November is 1st Sunday at 2am
import ntptime, time class DST: ntptime.settime() year = time.localtime()[0] #get current year HHMarch = time.mktime((year,3 ,(14-(int(5*year/4+1))%7),2,0,0,0,0,0)) #Time of March change to ESDT DST_START = time.localtime(HHMarch) print(DST_START) HHNovember = time.mktime((year,11,(7-(int(5*year/4+1))%7),2,0,0,0,0,0)) #Time of November change to EST DST_END = time.localtime(HHNovember) print(DST_END)
The LED variables are called from
import time from machine import Pin import variables # D53 (Arduino) = PG7 (MicroPython) class Blynk: print("Blink") Red_LED = Pin(variables.D52, Pin.OUT) Green_LED = Pin(variables.D53, Pin.OUT) Red_LED.on() time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1) Green_LED.on() time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1)
from time import sleep from wifi import WIFI from dst import DST import ntptime, time, variables from blink_test import Blynk from i2c import * devices_found = 0 def wifi_function_once(_has_run=[]): a = WIFI() if _has_run: return print('\n') print("first time") print("Connected to ",a.WIFI_NETWORK) print(a.wlan) wifi_ran = True _has_run.append(1) def I2C_function_once(_has_run=[]): if _has_run: for device in devices: print("I2C hexadecimal address: ", hex(device)) print('\n') return i = I2CScanner() print('\n') print('I2C SCANNER') devices = i.i2c.scan() if len(devices) == 0: print("No i2c device !") else: print('i2c devices found:', len(devices)) for device in devices: print("I2C hexadecimal address: ", hex(device)) def blynk_function(): print("Blink") Red_LED = Pin(variables.D52, Pin.OUT) Green_LED = Pin(variables.D53, Pin.OUT) Red_LED.on() time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1) Green_LED.on() time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1) return def dst_function(_has_run=[]): if _has_run: return d = DST() print("DST Start: {:02d}/{:02d}/{:02d}".format(d.DST_START[1],d.DST_START[2],d.DST_START[0])) print("DST END: {:02d}/{:02d}/{:02d}".format(d.DST_END[1],d.DST_END[2],d.DST_END[0])) # Set RTC Clock properly now=time.time() if now < d.HHMarch : # we are before last sunday of march EST_TIME = time.localtime(now-18000) # EST: UTC-5H is 5 * 36000 hour_number = EST_TIME[3] if hour_number < 13: hour_12 = hour_number am_pm = 'am' else: hour_12 = hour_number - 12 am_pm = 'pm' print("Today's Date: {:02d}/{:02d}/{:02d}".format(EST_TIME[1],EST_TIME[2],EST_TIME[0])) print("Time: {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d} {}".format(hour_12,EST_TIME[4],EST_TIME[5],am_pm)) elif now < d.HHNovember : # we are before last sunday of march EST_TIME = time.localtime(now-14400) # EDST: UTC-4H 4 * 3600 hour_number = EST_TIME[3] if hour_number < 13: hour_12 = hour_number am_pm = 'am' else: hour_12 = hour_number - 12 am_pm = 'pm' print("Today's Date: {:02d}/{:02d}/{:04d}".format(EST_TIME[1],EST_TIME[2],EST_TIME[0])) print("Time: {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d} {}".format(hour_12,EST_TIME[4],EST_TIME[5],am_pm)) else : EST_TIME = time.localtime(now-18000) # EST: UTC-5H is 5 * 3600 hour_number = EST_TIME[3] if hour_number < 13: hour_12 = hour_number am_pm = 'am' else: hour_12 = hour_number - 12 am_pm = 'pm' print("Today's Date: {:02d}/{:02d}/{:02d}".format(EST_TIME[1],EST_TIME[2],EST_TIME[0])) print("Time: {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d} {}".format(hour_12,EST_TIME[4],EST_TIME[5],am_pm)) if __name__=="__main__": while True: dst_function() wifi_function_once() I2C_function_once() blynk_function() sleep(3)
Output of
DST Start: 03/10/2024 DST END: 11/03/2024 Today's Date: 04/14/2024 Time: 07:27:08 pm I2C SCANNER i2c devices found: 1 I2C hexadecimal address: 0x15 Blink